Book: "Social Cohesion and Resilience through Citizen Engagement" published

Our book “Social Cohesion and Resilience through Citizen Engagement. A Place-Based Approach” has finally been published. A big thank to all authors and the Edward Elgar team who have all contributed to the success of this publication.
In this incisive book, we – together with many other researchers from several European countries – examined how citizens are increasingly taking it upon themselves to change their neighbourhoods and communities, becoming co-producers, makers and pioneers who actively participate in the design of urban spaces and spatial processes. As citizens’ actions and initiatives are becoming key actors in cities and regions, it presents bottom-up and top-down approaches to better understand the spatial impacts and dimensions of civic engagement. Investigating critical topics such as social or third places and tactical urbanism, the chapters examine the relations between (temporary) civic engagement, urban change, urban planning and governance. Analysing the potentials and limitations of civic engagement, we finally discuss how such initiatives can lead to greater cohesion of communities against changing environments.
The book can be found under ISBN 978 1 03531 709 7