SRPapers (ISSN 2941-3850)
SRPapers are a publication series of the Research Group of Urban and Regional Planning at TU Dortmund University. It supports the transfer of knowledge between research, planning practice and politics. The articles in the series provide an insight into our activities in research and teaching. These include, for example, interim and final reports of research projects, documentations of empirical studies, documentations of applied methods, discussion papers and practical guidelines.
The contributions to the series are published via the Eldorado respository.
Aktuelle SRPapers

International design solutions for integrated urban and transport planning. Case studies in Copenhagen and Utrecht
As part of the PendelLabor research project, two international case studies were carried out to identify design solutions for integrated urban and transport planning. The starting point was the identification of two regions in the European context that are comparable with the Frankfurt Rhine-Main region. The cities of Copenhagen and Utrecht, including their regional context, were ultimately selected for this purpose. In addition to the review of relevant planning documents, a visit was made to the case study locations for selected and already implemented design solutions for integrated urban and transport planning. In addition, experts from both urban regions with different professional backgrounds were interviewed. The analysis of the collected data was divided into the categories of settlement structure, public transport stops, bicycle infrastructure and stationary traffic and the form of fact sheets was chosen for a concise presentation of the results.
Authors: Thomas Eltner, Jost Buscher
Keywords: design solutions, case studies, Copenhagen, Utrecht, integrated urban planning, integrated transport planning, urban region
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Noise & consideration in binding urban land-use planning. Results of a nationwide online survey of municipal planning authorities of large cities in Germany
The issue addresses the handling of noise conflicts at the level of binding construction planning. It also provides information on the workflows, responsibilities and methods used in the assessment process. The first results of a nationwide online survey of municipal planning authorities in major German cities are presented.
Authors: Sabine Bongers-Römer, Lars Sievers
Keywords: urban planning, urban land-use planning, development plan, noise, consideration, planning process, online survey, large cities
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Paths to sustainable urban-rural mobility. Realisation of two simulation games in the PendelLabor research project
In the PendelLabor research project, new approaches to organising sustainable urban-rural mobility were tested in two simulation games. The simulation games were used to playfully explore possible solutions and actions for shaping sustainable urban-rural mobility. The simulation games were also intended to provide participants with an opportunity to change their perspective and try out a new way of looking at issues relating to urban and transport development. The starting point for the simulation games was the fictitious medium-sized town of Duddbach. The task of the simulation games was to create a bridge from a vision of the future to the current situation in Duddbach in the sense of backcasting. The aim was to develop so-called future paths that are orientated towards the image of the future and at the same time enable a reference back to the present. This report documents how we applied the simulation game method. We explain step by step how we proceeded and make the materials we prepared available to anyone who would like to continue working with them.
Authors: Paula Quentin, Nora Burlon, Thomas Eltner
Keywords: Planning methods, urban-rural mobility, backcasting, simulation game, co-production
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Objectives and approaches to settlement and transport development. An analysis of planning documents from the Frankfurt Rhine-Main region
As part of the PendelLabor research project, the contents of planning documents relating to settlement and transport development, e.g. regional development concepts, urban development concepts, mobility concepts and local transport plans, were analysed. The document analysis served as an approximation of existing planning practices in the Frankfurt Rhine-Main region and was the first step towards empirically analysing planning practices. Potentials and challenges, objectives and target groups as well as strategies and approaches to settlement and transport development were identified from the planning documents. In addition, the planning documents were analysed to determine which control instruments and methods were used and to what extent aspects of stakeholder-related, spatial and thematic integration were recognisable. In addition, it was analysed whether the results differed between disciplines (i.e. settlement and transport development) and between levels of action (i.e. local or supra-local).
Authors: Paula Quentin, Jost Buscher
Keywords: Settlement development, transport development, commuting, planning practices, urban-rural mobility
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Previous SRPapers
- Sabine Baumgart, Heike Köckler, Christian Lamker, Andrea Rüdiger, Johanna Schoppengerd, Raphael Sieber (2018): Implementation von Rechtsvorschriften zum gewerblichen Immissionsschutz in der Stadtplanung, SRPapers, Nr. 4, Dortmund.
Baumgart et al. (2018), available online as PDF (in German)
- Sabine Baumgart, Nina Overhageböck (2008): Zwangsversteigerungen in der Wohnungsmarktberichterstattung. Das Beispiel der Stadt Dortmund, SRPapers, Nr. 3, Dortmund.
Baumgart & Overhageböck (2008), available online as PDF (in German)
- Sabine Baumgart, Johannes Flacke, Andrea Rüdiger (2005): Tagesgeschäft Umweltprüfung. Anforderungen und Möglichkeiten zur Integration der Umweltprüfung im Rahmen der Bauleitplanung in Klein-und Mittelstädten. Dokumentation des 2. SRP-Kolloquiums am 15. September 2005 an der Universität Dortmund, SRPapers, Nr. 2, Dortmund.
- Sabine Baumgart, Johannes Flacke, Christine Grüger, Petra Lütke, Andrea Rüdiger (2004): Klein- und Mittelstädte - Verkleinerte Blaupausen der Großstadt? Dokumentation des Expertenkolloquiums 2004, SRPapers, Nr. 1, Dortmund.