Negin Amiri, M.Sc.
- intersections of Urban Design
- Urban Governance
- Informal Urbanism
- Public Space
- Placemaking
- citizen-led
- participatory planning
Aktuelles Forschungsprojekt: UPRUN
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Weitere Informationen zu Negin Amiri:
seit 2024: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Fachgebiet Stadt- und Regionalplanung
TU Dortmund, Fakultät Raumplanung
2018-2022: Senior Urban Designer, Department of Urban Design ,Urban Development and Revitalization Corporation of Iran, Tehran, Iran.
2016-2022: Research assistant, Department of Urban Design, Urban Development and Revitalization Corporation of Iran-Ministry of Road and Urban Development, Tehran, Iran.
2016-2018: Urban planning and Design Researcher, in Urban Planning and Architecture Research Center of Iran (UARC), Tehran, Iran.
2015-2022: University teaching assistant, in department of Urban Design and Architecture, , Faculty of Art and Architecture Bu Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran.
2015-2017: University research assistant, in department of Urban Design and Architecture, Faculty of Art and Architecture Bu Ali Sina University,Hamedan, Iran.
2012-2015: Master of Urban Design, Bu-Ali Sina University –Hamedan,Iran.
2005-2009: Bachelor of Landscape Design Engineering, Azad university of Iran –Estahban,Iran.
Preise und Auszeichnungen
(15/07/2023) Holder the Houtan Scholarship 2023 for PhD Research
Awarding institution: Houtan Scholarship Foundation
(Recipient the Houtan Scholarship in 2023 to pursue a Ph.D. in Spatial Planning at TU Dortmund, because of having recognizing dedication to promoting Iran's rich culture, heritage, language, and civilization through academic pursuits)
(09/02/2015) First Rank student in Master of Urban Design
Awarding institution: Urban Planning and Architecture department. Bu-Ali Sina University
Obtaining the first Rank during three years of postgraduate/Master course in the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Design
(08/02/2015) Holder the Iranian Urban Regeneration Company Scholarship
Awarding institution: Iranian Urban Regeneration Company (Ministry of Road and Urban Development)
Recipient the National Scholarship for conducting a Master Thesis research on Urban Regeneration Strategy in Informal Settlements in Iran.
(2022) Public Open Spaces Sustainability in Informal Settlements toward Urban Regeneration On the Basis of Inhabits Preferences (Case Study ∶ Hesar Neighborhood – Karaj city)
Reference: Sustainable Development & Geographic Environment, 4(6), pp. 110-125. doi:10.52547/sdge.4.6.110
(2021) Design Governance Mechanism as the Preliminary Factor to Make Natural- Based Urban Regeneration Projects Feasible: Learning from URBiNAT Project in Khorramabad
Reference:, online abrufbar als PDF
(2018) Public Spaces and the Future of Places
Reference: Urban Planning and Architecture Research Center of Iran.
(2017) An Overview of the Principles and rules of the urbanization approach to informal settlements, Street-Led Approach
Reference: the 4th National Conference on Applied Research in Civil Engineering and Urban Management. Tehran.
(2016) Internal development, concordant, balanced, and stable pattern to develop and promote the urban quality, planning for redevelopment of urban military land.
Reference: Bagh-e Nazar, the academic journal of Nazar Research Center for Urbanism, Volume 13,ISSUE 41.
(2016) The Way of Social Urbanism Experience (participatory) for Regeneration of Medlin Informal Settlement in Colombia.
Reference: haft shahr Journal ,Urban Development and Revitalization Organization,Volume 4, 53,54.
(2015) the Relationship between Environmental Quality and Elderly Presence Ability in Urban Open Spaces, Case Study: Laleh Park, Tehran.
Reference: Armanshahr Architecture & Urban Development scientific Journal, 8(14), 57-66, Spring Summer 2015.
(2015) Design of Public-open Space in Informal Settlements Regeneration through the Urban Catalyst Approach, (Master Thesis).
Reference: Bu-ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran.
2023-2026: UPRUN - Planning for Social Resilience in Urban Neighbourhoods. Transformative Change through Civic Engagement in Europe. Fachgebiet Stadt- und Regionalplanung TU Dortmund, Fakultät Raumplanung Funded by Erasmus.
- 2017-2021: Developing the Contextual Urban planning and Design Framework in Iran. Funded by Urban Development and Revitalization Corporation of Iran.
- 2015-2017: Urban regeneration of Historical neighbourhoods in city of Hamedan, Iran. Bu-Ali Sina University, Funded by Urban Development and Revitalization Corporation of Iran.